Yesterday, Ravenlock drove himself to Legazpi City, Albay on his bike, hoping to take photos of the hyped Mayon Volcano. He arrived at Ligñon Hill around 3pm, this nature park on top of the hill they say offers the best view of Mayon around Legazpi City. The hill indeed has a grand view of Mayon Volcano on one side and on the other side, Legazpi City with the Albay Gulf. He was so glad he was on his bike or else he’d walk all the way up, large vehicles are not allowed uphill coz parking is full.
The upper half of the volcano is covered with clouds and smokes and what Ravenlock saw was just a few traces of smoking hot lava flow on the mid section of Mayon. Disappointed, he decided to wait until dark hoping to see the “glow in the dark” lava flows live. So he strolls around the hill taking pictures especially of the rappelling people going down. Zipline here offers rappelling for 200 pesos.
Darkness came, there were so many expectators around (local and foreign) but the volcano disappoints them all. Still, there were just a few visible lava traces to be seen, the volcano seems to be taking a break now.
Anyway, here is another shot of Mayon Volcano during sunrise, (got this shot a year ago).